Sakov - Pawn Shops Lyttelton
- Address
- 29 Lyttelton, Centurion, 0140
- City
- Pretoria
- Country
- South Africa
- Business Hours
- 8am to 5pm
- Description
- Welcome to Sakov, your go-to pawn shop in Lyttelton for instant cash! Whether you're in need of quick funds or looking to buy quality items, our branch in Lyttelton has got you covered. As one of the leading pawn shops in Lyttelton, we specialize in providing instant cash for jewellery, cars, watches, electronics, and more. With our reliable services and competitive rates, you can trust us to meet your financial needs. Visit our Lyttelton pawn store today and experience the convenience and reliability that Sakov offers.
- Phone
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- Website
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